OK I’m jumping the gun by one day but we’re almost there for Reggae Marathon Race Day!! Tonight though we 30 days from we’ll all be together at the Couples Swept Away Sporting Complex enjoying the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party under the stars.
Carbo loading at Reggae Marathon is a ton of fun! There’s music, great food and the opportunity to catch up with Reggae Marathon friends. If your hotel is nearby, walk over…lots of other runners do. If farther away, Taxi’s are plentiful and very reasonably priced.
The photos below are from Reggae Marathon Pasta Parties over the last four years, 2009 through 2012. Make sure you join us Friday night to make new memories for 2013:
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)
Click here to register online for Reggae Marathon, December 7, 2013: Reggae Marathon Registration.
For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.
Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.
This is a link to the Official Reggae Marathon 2012 Race Video.