Did you Register?
Registration is now open for the Reggae Marathon. Have you registered? In addition to the half marathon and 10k, we will be having a 5k race this...
Registration is now open for the Reggae Marathon. Have you registered? In addition to the half marathon and 10k, we will be having a 5k race this...
Everyone has a mantra whether just for life or for running. I know that when I’m at the end of a race and I know that I am struggling, I tell...
5 ways the Reggae Marathon satisfies the diaspora’s longing for home With international registration officially open, members of the...
Do you go through your Facebook memories and reminisce about the good ole days? Facebook reminded me today that, according to Trip Advisor, that...
In Monday’s blog, I shared the information and links for hotel options in Negril. And just as important as that place that you will be staying is...
What is running etiquette? When I think about running etiquette, the first thing that comes to mind is always move out of the way of the faster...
Last year’s Reggae Marathon was nothing like anyone could have predicted. Like most races, it went virtual. I ran the half marathon in memory of...
REGGAE MARATHON GOES VIRTUAL IN 2020 Reggae Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K will go virtual this year! That is the decision of the organisers...
If you’ve run the Reggae Marathon more than once, you probably came back because you had a memorable experience. My most memorable experience was...
The Reggae Marathon is routinely listed as one of the most scenic marathons in the world. Check out the article in Women’s Running UK and...
We’re in the middle of spring and while our training might not look like it used to, running and training is not canceled. While most of the world...
In the less that seven months, the 20th running of the Reggae Marathon will be complete. You will have a sense of accomplishment knowing that you...