’30 Minutes of physical activity each day along with healthy eating can lower your risk of non communicable diseases. Jamaica Moves, more moments, more memories, MORE LIFE’
That’s all it takes to stay healthy. Reggae Marathon is a proud supporter of the Jamaica Moves campaign. And at Reggae Marathon December 2, the Corporate Challenge winner will be crowned. Here’s the letter from Reggae Marathon Race Director, ‘Frano’ Francis:
Good Day,
An initiative of the Ministry of Health, the Jamaica Moves Get Moving Corporate Challenge targets private and public sector companies through a friendly performance based competition. The challenge will be done using the Running Events calendar where companies will enter 5K races over a 5 month period (July – December 2017).
Corporate Jamaica is being encouraged to improve the health and performance of their employees by partnering with the Jamaica Moves programme. The competition is open to small and large organisations. Small organisations can register up to 50 employees and large organisations can register up to 100.
The Jamaica Moves Get Moving Corporate Challenge has become increasingly important in light of a 2011 study by the World Bank entitled “Public Policy and the Challenge of Chronic Non Communicable Diseases” which estimated that an individual suffering from any NCD spends approximately one third of household per capita expenditure on health care services and the purchase of pharmaceutical drugs.
On World Health Day (April 7, 2017), The Ministry of Health launched Jamaica Moves – the country’s coordinated national response to the increased incidences of NCDs. Through education, engagement and the building of supportive environments, the programme hopes to reduce NCDs by 25% by the year 2025.
See you on the road,
Alfred ‘Frano’ Francis
For all the details on how to register, click this link: Jamaica Moves.
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)