Recovery Run. Just what is a ‘recovery run’? I can tell you with a great deal of confidence that when I head out for a run the day after a race or hard training run, I’m not thinking it’s a ‘recovery run’. I’m thinking, “How the heck am I going to get through this?”
Let’s start with a definition for recovery run: A relatively short easy-paced run performed within 24 hours of a hard training run or race. This should be the easiest run of the week other than a rest day. Benefits of a recovery run, running at a relaxed pace include:
- Help you build proper form
- Improve endurance
- Build base mileage
- Help speed up recovery
I’ve found that the biggest value from an easy recovery run is that it helps improve my endurance. Mentally as well as physically. It’s a toss up which one is more important! As I mentioned above, when I head out for a run the day after a tough workout or race, my mind is screaming ‘NO!’ Beating that monster is a real triumph and is often the only goal when I’m on the road with lead in my legs and feel like I’m running in quicksand. Physically, I struggle for the first kilometre or so. My legs are tired…it’s physically draining to get my legs turning over at any speed. I learned to keep at it though…soon enough I’m running faster and more comfortably. Conquering the mental and physical challenges is empowering.
For more information on the benefits of a recovery run and how to approach it, this is a good source of information: The Complete Guide to Recovery Running.
Until next time
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy